Kendell Stachelski
Email Kendell Stachelski

Grading Criteria

  • In Class Assignments 30%

  • Food Labs/Projects 60%

  • Homework 10%


Foods Lab

6th grade

  • Safety & sanitation

  • Equipment terms and usage 

  • Measuring techniques (Math goals) 

  • Distinguish food groups 

  • Recipe reading and planning (Reading goals) 

  • Current Events (Reading goals)

  • Manners and etiquette rules 

  • Four food labs

7th grade

  • Safety & sanitation

  • Equipment usage

  • Current Events and role playing (Reading goals)

  • Measuring techniques review (Math goals)

  • Nutritional awareness

  • Manners

  • Food label information

  • Planning meals and table setting

  • 4-5 cooking labs

8th grade

  • Safety & sanitation

  • Equipment usage review

  • Cooking terminology

  • Nutritional awareness

  • Choosing healthy recipes

  • Using all appliances including the microwave

  • Time management and management (Math goals)

  • Current Events (Reading goals)

  • 6 basic nutrients

  • 4-5 cooking labs


Sewing Lab

Sewing Supplies
*All sewing supplies stay in the classroom*Please label all supplies!*

6th grade

  • Pincushion

  • About 25 straight pins (quilting)

  • 1 spool of All-Purpose thread

  • Seam ripper-optional

  • Hand-sewing needles (1 pk)

7th grade

  • 1 yard of fabric (no fleece)

  • Pincushion

  • About 25 straight pins (quilting)

  • 1 spool of All-Purpose thread

  • Seam ripper

  • 2 plastic bobbins

  • Hand-sewing needles (1 pk)

8th grade

  • Pincushion

  • About 25 straight pins (quilting)

  • 1 spool of All-Purpose thread

  • Seam ripper

  • 2 plastic bobbins

  • Hand-sewing needles (1 pk)